Institute for Indian Mother and Child (IIMC) är en indisk NGO (non-governmental organization) som arbetar med att förbättra förutsättningarna för utsatta kvinnor och barn i Kolkata med omnejd. Arbetet består av ett flertal projekt inom hälso- och sjukvård, utbildning och women empowerment. Organisationen har sitt säte i Kolkata och är verksam i staden och den omgivande landsbygden i Västbengalien.

MACHA stöttar IIMCs arbete genom att skicka volontärer till Indien och sköta kontakten med de sponsorerna inom sponsorskapsprogrammet i Sverige. Vi organiserar också lokala evenemang och kampanjer i Sverige i syfte att samla in pengar och sprida kunskap om projektet. IIMC-projektet i Sverige drivs som ett samarbete mellan MACHA och  IFMSA-Sweden.

IIMCs egen hemsdia

Du kan läsa mer om IIMC på organisationens egen hemsida. Vi vill uppmärksamma dig på att hemsidan uppdateras sällan och att en del av informationen därför kan vara inaktuell.


Titta på den här korta och informativa dokumentären om IIMC:

IIMC Documentary


IIMC schools in Kolkata and West Bengal


Children enrolled in/graduated from IIMC schools so far


Children enrolled in the Sponsorship program


Women enrolled in the Micro credit program

IIMCs huvudprojekt

Skola & Utbildning

Women Empowerment


People in a clinic i India

Health Care

IIMC runs extensive healthcare activities at its two hospitals and six clinics. An important part of the healthcare program is the health education given in cooperation with IIMC’s NGO network. International volunteers play an important role by helping clinics and running health-promoting projects and education programs.

IIMC’s Hospitals and Clinics

IIMC are running two hospitals and six clinics. The organization has three full-time doctors, one midwife, around 30 nurses and 120 caregivers. In addition to full-time employees, about 15 doctors are involved one week at the time, and 10-20 international volunteers are rotating between the clinics and hospitals. The big hospital, Indoor Clinic, is connected to IIMC’s main office, education center, and disability center in the neighborhood of Sonapor in Kolkata. The hospital mainly treats mothers and children with dermatological problems (burns, fungal infections, parasites, and bacterial infections). They also treat children for malnourishment and respiratory diseases and perform minor surgical procedures. For complicated and serious diseases, IIMC sends the patients to a university hospital in Kolkata.

The six clinics, Outdoor Clinics, are manned once or twice a week and accept 200-800 patients per instance. The largest clinic, located in Thegaria, has x-ray equipment, a pathology department, eye doctors, dentists, and a gynecologist. The clinic in Thegaria tends to 600-800 patients twice a week, and around 3 000 patients are estimated to visit the clinics each week.

The Volunteer Program

IIMC accepts volunteers from all around the world for one month’s work at the IIMC Center in Kolkata. This is a unique opportunity to gain insight of the Indian healthcare system and experience a different culture while contributing to the improvement of the standard of living for the most vulnerable population of rural India.

Read more about the Volunteer Program.

Watch the documentary about the Volunteer Program.

IIMC girls selfie

The Menstrual Project

Menstruation is one of the main functions in the human reproductive system – without menstruation, there would be no humankind. Yet, studies made in different parts of India have shown that menstruation is considered shameful, repulsive and unnatural. Furthermore, the knowledge about menstruation amongst people in Indian society is lacking, allowing myths and misconceptions to arise. Many girls and young women are also deprived access to education – partly due to lack of menstrual protection and partly due to social attitudes.
Through education and the introduction of menstrual cups, the project strives to map, change and develop the situation for girls that attend IIMC Schools. In the future, it is planned that the Menstrual Project will expand to cover general sex education; including intercourse, conception, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy and birth.